ROKR Viking Dragon Ship Mechanical 3D Wooden Puzzle LK802
Discover the ROKR Viking Dragon Ship, a detailed wooden model inspired by Norse history and Viking craftsmanship. Perfect for history enthusiasts and model builders, it’s a 3D wooden puzzle that offers an engaging and educational DIY experience.
ROKR brings together the intrigue of the ancient Vikings, the charm of intricate craftsmanship, and the fun of building your own 3D wooden puzzle in this newest model. The Viking Dragon Ship was inspired by the elegant longships of the Nordic seafarers called drakkar, literally meaning “dragon.” They were a symbol of pride, of wealth, and a people feared for their prowess in warfare and exploration. They were prevalent in the 8th to 11th centuries when they sailed rivers and open seas. The long, narrow design allowed them speed and agility, with the carved dragon figureheads believed to protect its sailors. History has embedded this fascinating ship as a culturally significant symbol of the ancient Northmen. Now, you can embody the Vikings’ seafaring expertise and warrior spirit with your very own Dragon Viking Ship only from ROKR!