From "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM SEED MSV," the Lightning Strike Gundam in Master Grade. It accurately reproduces the Lightning Striker Pack's unique features, including composite pods and a 70-31 Electromagnetic Rail Cannon with combining capabilities.
Lightning Striker Pack Reproduction:
- Chest unit, side composite pods, and waist battery tank faithfully recreated.
- Composite pod connection base articulated with a ball joint.
Armaments and Equipment:
- 70-31 Electromagnetic Rail Cannon included.
- Backpack and Composite Pods with various movable gimmicks.
- Overdrive state replicated.
- Water Transfer Decals Included!
Set Contents:
- Strike Gundam Ver.RM Main Unit
- Lightning Striker Pack
- 70-31 Electromagnetic Rail Cannon
- Armor Schneider
- Water Transfer Decals.