The GUNDAM EX from Mobile Suit Gundam Requiem for Vengeance, a series to be streamed exclusive global release on NETFLIX! The intricate details and flexible action poses can be recreated in 1/144 scale!
■The distinctive precision details and shapes applied to the entire body are reproduced in parts configurations unique to plastic model kit.
■The ammunition belt connected to shoulder gatling is made with soft materials. It bends in conjunction with the movements of the barrel.
■Beam Rifle can be mounted onto the back of the waist.
■Shield reproduces high-density detail expression on both front and back.
■Action Bases (sold separately) can be used to create dynamic displays.
■Marking stickers allow reproduction of various part markings and unit marks.
■Beam Rifle ×1
■Beam Sabers (Grips) ×3
■Shield ×1
■Hand parts ×1 set
■Joint parts ×1 set